After this we started to prepare for the dramas. To practice for this we learned a new game called the Banana game.
I learnt a new game called "the banana game". Some people represent a normal situation. The participants have to guess what is happening. The actors can only use the word "Banana" to convey the story. Today I say two situations. The first was with two students. One was a policman and the other was a person driving too fast. The policman stopped the man and asked him for his driver's licence. The person gave him false information so the policeman checked his pockets. He found drugs so he arrested the man. In the other game the two boys were playing music. The neighbour shouted at them to stop but the boys said they were doing nothing wrong. He got angry and threw their guitars away. It is a very funny game.
In the camp we also played a game called "Sardines". The rules of the game are: One person must go and hide. While the person hides, the other must look at the wall. 3 minutes later, the people who were looking at the wall can go out and start looking for the person hiding. When someone finds the person hiding, they must go and hide with them and stay quiet. You must wait until everyone has found the hiding place . We his on the beach. I liked this game because it was funny.
Later on we prepared for our Banquet dinner for the theme of Camelot.
Scenary of Camelot: First of all I want to mention the large space we had at the camp. It is huge. there are big fields, the cabins are nice and really comfortable and there was also a small beach. We have a beautiful view of a river where lots of boats pass through. Another thing is the restaurant. The food here was very tasty. All the buildings have heaters and the temperature in winter is wonderful. There are great decorations with colourful curtains, lights everywhere, candles at the dinner tables and there were lots of medieval decorations arounds the room where we had the banquet. It was perfect for that night.
After the dinner each of the groups performed their drama which was rehearsed earlier in the day. This was fun to do and also very funny to watch the others.
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